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Sharps Container Shortage

If you administer Humira injections, then you're all too familiar with the Sharps container. Anyways, I noticed my sharps container was getting uncomfortably full, and instead of calling two weeks ago like I should've....I waited. If I didn't get a new container soon, my Humira pens would start overflowing out the top.

Why is it important to properly dispose of your injection needles/pens? If they aren't safely stored, they could get in the hands of little ones, spread infection, or disease. Looking at my stuffed container, I finally called Humira and talked to a representative. This is typically a quick phone call just to order a free sharps container, and a box with a label to send back the used pens.

I encountered something very different this time around. I was told by the. nice lady on the other end that there's a sharps container shortage, and she didn't know when they were getting a new supply in. Huh? Say what now? As my three old would say, "guys, we have a problem. " I was about to have a biohazard situation inside my home!

I turned to the CDC, and obtained all of the necessary information for proper disposal. I took the following right off there website: If FDA-cleared sharps disposal containers are unavailable, then consider using alternative containers that meet the OSHA requirements after checking your state’s specific disposal requirements at and discussing disposal options with your medical waste vendors.

Rather than jimmy up my own creation to pass inspection, I opted to go the Amazon route. Man, they sell everything!!! There are several sharps container options available, but I went with this one HERE. It's about 5 quarts, so I bought myself a little time. Most of us taking Humira are signed up for Humira Complete. Part of what they offer is the service of providing the free mail back sharps container. For future reference, all of that information is included HERE. If you run into the same problem I did, visit the CDC. They have a very thorough article, "Strategies for Sharps Disposal Container Use During Supply Shortages" .

My alternate Sharps container arrived just in time. I did my shot a few days ago, and stored it safely in this handy storage. In fact, I might order a few extras just to have on hand. Don't wait like I did, and order yours today! IBD Warriors, have yourself a safe injection, as well as a safe spot to store it in.

- Beautiful girl you were made to do hard things, so believe in yourself



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